What do Engineers do exactly… and what is their valuable and important contribution to the world we live in.
For us, the engineers at MPC… it all starts with… the maths in the middle.
MPC Engineers… are the maths in the middle… the… calculations, modelling and analysis, on forces and loads.
We function largely between the architects who are designing the structure and the builders who are constructing it.
This maths gives us, and you, the proof that the structure will or won’t work.
That it will withstand all these different forces from nature and in our built environment.
And so what does this proof provide? Strength and stability.
The mathematical proof that your structure (homes, classrooms, operating theatres, kitchens, function rooms, apartment towers, shopping centres, clubs, hotels and even pergolas, decks, foundations, retaining walls, drainage and driveways) will have strength and stability to withstand all the myriad forces they endure.
And so what does all this give you? Client confidence.
MPC Engineers are the maths in the middle, providing the proof of structural strength and stability and thus client confidence of enduring structural integrity of your built environment. That is what we do and the valuable and important contribution we make to the world we live in.
Structural and Civil Engineering
MPC offers a client-focused approach to specialist structural and civil engineering projects.
We operate in 12 sectors including commercial, residential, industrial, defence, health, education, recreational, rural, equine and government clients.
Our lead engineers are involved in the project throughout the whole process, as are the engineer and draftsperson assigned to the project from the beginning, ensuring continuity and consistency. This ensures you, our Client, benefits from direct contact with a professional who possesses a strong interest in fulfilling your objectives.
MPC has a philosophy of balancing long-established building methods and systems with proven modern innovations that ensure structural integrity, safety and quality at all times and provide cost savings where possible.
MPC’s wide range of capabilities, due to its engineers’ diverse specialisations and experience, offers the ability to minimise project risks and adapt to changing needs of projects and clients.
MPC consists of DBP Act-compliant professionals. Our team understands the intricacies of the Design & Building Practitioners Act 2020 (DBP Act) in Australia.
With MPC, you can rest assured knowing that every design and project aligns with legal requirements and industry standards, ensuring safety and quality.
Design and Documentation – Structural and Civil Engineering Design is done in 4 main stages – concepts, design development, detailed design then issued For Construction. At each stage our drafting team prepare the Documentation in increasing layers of detail. This is done for DA (Development Application), CC (Construction Certificate) and finally For Construction. This is a ‘fixed fee’ in our fee proposal.
Construction Phase Services – Once your project starts to be built, we are required to come and do inspections to ensure it is being built as per the engineering design. The key inspections are Footings, Slabs and Frames and then others as required. This is charged as hourly rates (not included in the fixed fee in our fee proposal) as you never know how many inspections are needed for a project.
Inspection and Advice Report – For any possible structural integrity issue with any type of structure, MPC comes out, takes photos, measures up where required, advises if any further investigations are necessary (like Geotechs or Surveyors), then we write a report advising process steps for any remediation. Depending on the situation these are either a fixed fee or hourly rates or a mix of both.

Our team of draftspeople is close to a 1:1 ratio with our engineers. This is unusual in our industry. Why do we do that? Because we believe in providing Drafting Documentation with Detail. Detail, that once your project goes for construction, there is information on those drawings that builders can use and rely on.
This results in less calls from builders, which ultimately results in two key things for your project… time saving and less mistakes and confusion. This all enhances the engineering’s role of a streamlined and more successful project.
MPC have a team of both AutoCad and Revit Draftspeople so that we can offer the most cost effective and appropriate drafting for your project. Our AutoCad team includes our Drafting Manager/Director who has been with MPC for 15 years, another who has been with MPC for 10 years and another who has 35 years’ experience.
Our Revit team is lead by a draftsperson who was involved in Australia’s first Revit project in the early 2000s and not only loves the Newy lifestyle but brings a profound depth and breadth of expertise to MPC’s drafting.
Client Service
Being Client Focussed has always been at the core of MPC – it is why we have continued to grow since 2001 and remains our 1st Value.
Providing Engineering Design that gives you a safe, stable, strong structure is the end game. However, along the way, there are lots of steps and many other consultants involved (see Projects for the many parties involved).
- Acceptance and Commencement – Our engineers endeavour to start all projects within 1-2 weeks of receiving a signed acceptance. If we can’t we will advise you.
- Design Phase – project programs are always changing as clients work through the design of their building. We have responsiveness as our 2nd value.
- Drafting Documentation – this is our engine room and is really busy, often being booked out 4 weeks in advance. We promise a 4-6 week turnaround but always try to achieve a 2 week turnaround, where we can, as other projects, already booked in to the drafting program, shift back.
- Final Issue of DWGs or Design Statement – final invoices must be paid before these are issued (unless we have PO No.). We have recently streamlined our process to deliver improved customer service here.
- During Construction Phase, we take calls from builders to book Site Inspections with as little as 24 hours’ notice.
Our commitment is also brought to life through:
- Business Services: A full-time degree qualified professional answering our phones to give you excellent customer service from the first phone call and a general manager who takes your 3rd call if our engineer is too busy to respond in timely enough manner.
- CP Eng Director Project Leads: Our engineering directors are all involved in the projects they lead and sign off on with their Certified Practising Engineer Qualification. We keep our business under 30 staff to ensure this level of quality and attention to detail by our senior people.
- Repeat Business: MPC is a client-focussed professional services business and we are extremely proud of our high rate of repeat and referral business (88%). Every project is each engineer’s opportunity to keep our clients.

Continuous Improvement
The following continuous improvement is all part of MPC’s ongoing evolution under the leadership of the Directors who have grown the company since its inception in 2001.
- ISO Certification for 9001 Quality, 14001 Environment and AS/NZ 4801 Safety.
- NSW Government Consultants in Construction – Registered Accreditation and Certified Accreditation.
- Recent Continuous Improvement Initiatives focussed on our internal processes and systems including:
- Implementing Total Synergy, a specialised software program designed specifically for Engineers. The first three stages are implemented – project and contact details, the next three stages are project management aspects.
- A fulltime Operations Co-ordinator and a full time Accounts/HR professional who ensures our project records and customer service, and our accounts, human resources and asset management records are to ISO 9001.
- A non-engineering General Manager, with 30 years’ experience, to oversee these initiatives and improvements and MPC’s ongoing strategic direction and development of our team members.

Environmental Responsibility
MPC has a number of Environmental Initiatives in place to minimise our impact on the environment:
We have “separate at the source” recycling in our office that has reduced our landfill to waste to 25% of what it would be if we didn’t recycle:
- compost bins whose contents are taken to the community garden in Foreshore Park just below our office by our drafting apprentices
- soft plastics bin whose contents are taken to Coles to one of their red soft plastics bins. With the news in 2021 that Coles & Nestle are building a soft plastics recycling plant in Victoria, MPC staff have voted to take away all desk bins, shrink our general waste bin and make it hard to access to ‘force’ our brains to think where our rubbish goes before just putting it in general waste.
- return and earn bin whose contents are taken by our drafting manager to one of the return and earn stations
- all paper and cardboard and other recyclables into 2 x 360L local council yellow bins
- ink cartridge box by the printers that are collected by the printer company when it is full
- e-waste is taken to the tip by our general manager and put at the e-waste station
MPC have switched to an energy plan that is 100% Renewable.
Motor Vehicles
2021 sees MPC starting the transition to Hybrid/Electric Vehicles.
Any new cars being renewed going forward will be a Hybrid/Electric Vehicle.
A feasibility study is also being conducted into our onsite car park having a solar car park shade structure and electric vehicle charging points.

Let’s Design Safe, Stable & Strong Solutions Together!